IMPACKT makes impact: Plant a tree with us
We're full of drive to make a difference for our environment. When it comes to making a positive impact, we could pull out trees. Whereas, no stop, we're more in favor of planting trees.
With our campaign "One suitcase. One tree" campaign, we've already done that in 2023. For every IMPACKT suitcase we sold between April 25 and May 9, we planted a tree together with "Grow my Tree". And finally rounded up to 500 trees.
How the whole thing went down and why we decided to plant trees, you can read here.
The reason: More and more forests are being destroyed
Since 1952, "Arbor Day" has been celebrated on April 25. At that time, this was initiated by the "Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald" (German Forest Protection Association) to draw attention to the heavy loss of forests due to the war.
To this day, our forests are suffering. According to Nabu, almost 5% of Germany's forested areas were destroyed from 2018 to 2021 alone. That's a whopping 501,000 hectares. Or the equivalent of over 700,000 soccer fields. The trigger was the unusual periods of drought and heat.
Proving that our climate change is causing these extreme weather events is not easy, but science is getting closer with more sophisticated climate models and faster computers (Source: ardalpha).
So for us it is clear: It is high time to act. And it is up to us to become active. The Day of the Tree was the perfect occasion for us to give a starting signal. And to make a contribution to a more sustainable future together with you.
The reason: Why are trees important to us?
Planting trees is one way we can help our planet fight climate change. Each tree can absorb about 22 kg of CO2 per year. And as we know, carbon dioxide - that is, CO2 - is one of the greenhouse gases that causes our planet to boil. Provided there is too much of it in our atmosphere.
So our goal should be to save CO2 and stop the artificial greenhouse gas effect. In everyday life, this is done with little tricks, when traveling, it comes down to conscious decisions, and if you want to neutralize your environmental footprint for good, that's right, plant trees. If each person planted about 440 trees, their annual CO2 emissions would be almost completely offset by the trees' ability to absorb carbon dioxide. (This is an average value and depends on individual CO2 consumption & the CO2 sequestration period of the trees planted).
In addition, trees simultaneously release oxygen, provide habitat for wildlife, and ensure healthy soil.
The campaign: We introduce GROW MY TREE
When it was clear to us that we wanted to celebrate "Arbor Day" with a community action, we set out to find a reliable partner who shared our vision of a more sustainable future.
GROW MY TREE convinced us directly. The team's idea of enabling everyone to have a big impact with small money and effort also reflects our mindset. It is important to us that sustainability is something that everyone can be a part of and that connects us. At GROW MY TREE, people and businesses can easily plant trees or an entire forest with just a few clicks.
All of GROW MY TREE's plantings are fair, sustainable and certified. The company works with local partners and communities in countries of the Global South to plant trees where the environmental, social and economic leverage is greatest.
The result: we planted a small forest

On April 25, 2023 - Arbor Day - we finally launched our campaign. On our website, via social media and in our newsletter, we announced that for every IMPACKT suitcase purchased, we would plant a tree with GROW MY TREE.
We were happy when the first orders reached us. It is important to us that we make an impact together and do not exclude anyone from our vision. In order for your orders to eventually become a "small forest", we rounded up to 500 trees.
Every tree, every:r of us - we all make an impact.